
Workshop con Marcos Morau

Dal 20 al 22 giugno 2014, a Ravenna, Associazione Culturale Mirada organizza, in collaborazione con Associazione Cantieri, un workshop condotto dal coreografo Marcos Morau, grazie al sostegno della Regione Emilia Romagna. Al workshop prenderanno parte dieci artisti visivi selezionati dall’archivio giovani artisti e dieci coreografi e danzautori emergenti emiliano romagnoli.

Si tratta di un importante momento di formazione e confronto per gli artisti del nostro territorio con un regista che costituisce un unicum in Europa e che è stato presentato con grande attenzione di critica e pubblico alla Biennale di Venezia e a Roma Europa Festival la scorsa estate.

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Occupy Museum, 99% Komikazen

It has been a year since then and now I can say it: the 2013 edition of Komikazen has been the best one. You’d better not take this catalogue because it will not be able to instil the energy of that collective action. It was not an exhibition, not even a project. It was a collective performative event carried out by 99 illustrators. 

 None of them knew what was going to be exhibited, except for their own table. Those who responded to our call knew a few simple things: they would neither have been refunded nor paid. They had to come to Ravenna – possibly stay there paying it all – and make a table based on the theme “99%”. Once at the MAR (Museum of Art of Ravenna), they had to install the table on their own following the instruction that you can read at page one. Of course, they had to draw.

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